Harborview Medical Center

Program Manager

Holly Vance is a nurse practitioner working as the program manager for the Wound, Ostomy, Limb Preservation and Amputation Services team at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, WA. Harborview is a level 1 trauma and burn center serving patients from Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Washington. A variety of wounds are treated daily by the wound care team, including skin tears of various stages. She has been wound care certified through the WOCNCB since 2013 and has worked in the wound care field since receiving certification. Her focus is currently on pressure injury prevention and earlier identification of wounds in all inpatients at her facility, including earlier identification and staging of pressure injuries in darker skin tones. She was one of 3 WOCN members representing the society on an international consensus panel tasked with updating best practices in the treatment and prevention of skin tears this past winter and has been asked to present the findings from the panel meeting and publication.
