(301) Challenges with Parastomal Hernias

Date: Monday, June 2, 2025
Time: 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Track: Wound, Ostomy
Session Type: Concurrent Session


Discuss the difficulties of ostomy and wound management with a parastomal hernia. When, how, and why to ever fix a parastomal hernia. What might be done when an ostomy is definitive (like after an APR). How best to counsel the patient: describe the symptoms of a bowel obstruction, what might be some therapies to try at home, and when to go to seek medical attention. A case report on a parastomal hernia abdominal wall reconstruction and discuss the various operations that can be performed and mesh selection.

Continuing Education Credits

Contact Hours: 1.00

Learning Outcome

  • Understand the pitfalls of operating to repair a parastomal hernia coupled with challenges in management.